Children's Library is located in the same building as Children's Museum. Children's Library is on the left when you enter the door, and it is on the 1st and the 2nd floor.
We'll show you the library.
Reading Room and Exhibition Corner is on the 1st floor. Let's go.
We have exhibited some books in a variety of themes every month. Please come to see them.
There are many children's books and Kamishibai.
You can borrow all books in this room. Also, you can borrow magazines except the latest issue.
You can browse books you want to read.
If the books has been lent out or you can't find it in the library, you can reserve it.
Let's go upstairs! Reseach Room and Story Hour Room is on the 2nd floor.
Encyclopedia, dictionaries, illustrated reference books are available on open shelves to help student's in their research.
There are books about atomic bomb and Hiroshima.
What do you research?
Storytelling and reading events for children are held in this room.
Come listen to stories, sing songs with us!